
So, I’ve finished this beauty. I’m by no means happy with everything, and I had to cheat a bit with a multiliner to clean up some of the lines but it is what it is, and that’s pretty good.

When I finished the inking I decided it needed something more to communicate some of the form, so I went over it with some water colour pencils. As you can see I was far to terrified to actually do the whole “water” bit.

Well, that’s that, on to the next thing to stave of the boredom of unemployment.

P.S. Up yours, school friend who told me I couldn’t draw women because I spent my days “staring at naked men”

Almost there

I didn’t get round to doing any of this yesterday, I kind of forgot I had art class for the whole day.

This is going to be the first fully inked picture I’ve done with a brush since getting out of my wrist brace, so I’m laughably rusty (which in sure anyone with the perceptiveness of a blind turnip could tell) 

Anyway, I should have this baby finished today.

Poison ivy 

Waking up at 2 in the morning isn’t my favourite thing to do, but it does yield some surprising results, like this. 

I’ve never been good at drawing women, but I’m quite happy with this, but I’ll attribute my success to a groggy morning brain. 

I spent today finishing it up, and I’ll be inking it tomorrow 


I doubt this will help me make friends with any feminists.

Looking to the New Year.

Hello good reader!

When I started this blog I didn’t expect much (if any) of a positive response, but much to my delight and suprise I have recieved one. So, the infancy is over, and onward we march into the new year, heads held high and plans for it like bees swarming.

Today I’m going to share some of the plans I have for the future.

This year I find myself with nearly no responsabilities, and an astonishing amount of free time, which I plan to put to good use. I’ve got plans for this blog.

I’m going to be posting a lot more, about more things, and with greater care and quality put into what I write. I’ll be finishing the series I started on The Hobbit, and starting a new one on the Silmarillion in the later half of the year. I’ll also be doing more writing on poetry and short stories (some Poe to get things moving I think), films and comics, and basically an form of story-telling that’s worth while. I’ll be writing more stuff about art, and sharing more of my own, which has been a struggle this year because of a gimpy wrist. And if all goes according to plan, I’ll be starting a youtube channel for things that aren’t really suited to being shared on a blog (which includes some art stuff) and doing some collaborations with my good friend @Ianfjay from, which will be great.

This year already looks good, thanks for being part of it.

Bravely onwards into the future. Until next time.


As promised.

Hello good reader!

Yesterday I was meant to have finished a project I had been working on for a friend’s birthday present, alas, I baked it (it was a clay statuette, I don’t just bake random things, don’t worry) and the anklse shattered, one day and a scoop of putty later it’s finished. In any case, here it is.


Recognise this fellow internet? If you don’t know, this is Slenderman. I don’t know much, or really anything about Slenderman, other than what he looks like, but my friend is a fan, so “Why the hell not” I thought. I tried to do some research on ol’ Slendy before I started the figure, but I was mostly met with obscure internet memes and long stories that I couldn’t be bothered and didn’t have time to read. So I just stuck with researching the aesthetic qualities that made Slenderman, in order to add my own twist. Once I had the basics I began.

After I made the wire skeleton I and had the basic form filled out I decided I would try to put a fresh spin on Slenderman. I’m a real fan of Lovecraftian horror, so I thought I would try to incorporate that into the figure. I went beyond the tentacles and imagined Slenderman as a somewhat amorphous creature, that despite looking like a guy in a suit, was something else entirely. With that in mind, on I went. I tried to make his whole form look like it was made of the same material, just changed in colour and made to look like a human shape. I also tried to make it look old and not cloth like, to maintain the sense that it only looks like a suit. Dealing with the broken ankles was tricky, I ended up just putting filler putty around them, which looked terrible, so I shaped the putty to make it appear as though Slenderman was forming himself/coming out of the ground, which supported the look I was going for. Anyway, here are some more photos.






I did give the skin a slightly pink hue, becase I felt like this made him seem just a little bit creepier. Criticism and suggestions are welcome, but bear in mind I’ve never had any formal art tuition, so please be nice.

Until next time.

That is All.


Hello good reader!

About saying I’d post some pictures of the statuette I was working on… Unfortunately that’s not happening today. Whilst baking the statuette the ankles shattered completely, leaving my franticly trying to find a solution, and eventually finding one in the form of some putty filler which, in 5 hours will let me continue where I left off with the figure, then there’ll be photos.

Until then, I figured I had better post something. So from some of the darkest corners of my messiest sketch book. I have a few of the anatomy studies I have done.


This is one of the more in-depth studies of the frontal arm I’ve done. I tried to make the varying depths really clear by using different colours for closer and further away muscles/tendons. I still managed to screw the hand up, so I didn’t finish that, and won’t, until I have a much better grip (see what I did there?) on hand anatomy.


This was less of a study on actual anatomy and more of an attempt at conveying muscle fibers, thankfully, as the proportions, and musculature for that matter, are off.


I spent a while trying to get necks right (it paid off, I can draw really good necks!) this one of my later attempts. I was trying to make sure I could convey the angles and the connection to the chin properly, which I think I did pretty well. Now I can move on to the hard stuff, female necks (dun dun dunnnn!)


I was focussing on form and complexity in this study, to use a reference for shading. I didn’t bother with two halves because I just wanted to focus purely on getting on side right.


Potentially my favourite and most complex torso study. I wanted to make this a reference for as many things as I could, so I used contour lines for reference for shading, cylinders coming out of the shoulder and upper-arm and a brown line running for the ends of each clavicle through the nipple in order to find the line that the serratus anterior follows, I always have a hard time with them.

Anyway, hope that was at least somewhat interesting. God willing I can finish the statuette tomorrow, and if I do, I’ll be putting up some photos of it with annotations.

Aren’t I a lucky hobbit?

Hello good reader!

As an avid collector (or as avid a collector as money allows) of statues and figurines, I jump at the chance to pick up one at a cheap price. The other day I was lucky enough to come across the 2012 “The Hobbit: An unexpected journey, collectors edition” hidden beneath a mountain of boxed sets and series collections at my local DVD store for a reasonable price. Now I’m not a massive fan of the Hobbit movies, I feel they’ve missed the mark in some ways when compared to The Lord of The Rings trilogy (which was also by no means perfect) but I’d be a fool (of a Took) to miss the chance to pick up a statue of Bilbo and Gollum at such a good price. This is it.


As one would expect from Weta collectables it a good quality piece, though I fear not as good as the figures and landscapes that came with the Lord of The Rings collectors sets, but then it was half the price. The one qualm I really have with the piece is Bilbo’s face, whilst it looks good enough for a generic hobbit head, I feel as though it lacks some of the characteristics and emotion that would bring the face to life.


It honestly just seems a bit lifeless, granted it is a small figure. But when compared to Gollum’s head sculpt, it doesn’t quite hold it’s own.


Regardless the figure is still very obviously Bilbo and, apart from the face, really captures his likeness from the films.

There are several really nice details on the piece, such as the Ring, dropped in the mud at Bilbo’s feet (which I foolishly thought was a poorly hidden rivet at first) and a little cavity in the side where you can see one of Gollum’s meals.



Overall it’s a really good piece, the sculpting of the figures doesn’t quite match up to the quality I have come to expect from Weta, regardless it still captures the overall feel of the movie scene magnificently, I think it’s a marvelous rendition of the scene from the book too (although it may not be entirely accurate) . To any fellow Tolkien statuette/figurine collectors or fans out there, it’s definitely a piece worth picking up if you come across it.

That is All

P.S. On Thursday I will be posting some pictures of a statuette I’ve been working on for a friends birthday present, and on Sunday I’ll be starting a series of posts on The Hobbit.